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Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Dr Michael Sultan is a leading endodontist based in Harley St and Richmond, London. He has... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Endodonzia
- Trattamento del canale radice
- Diagnosi del dolore dentale
- Apicectomia
- Endodonzia chirurgica
- Ritrattamento endodontico
- Endodonzia
- Trattamento del canale radice
- Diagnosi del dolore dentale
- Apicectomia
- Endodonzia chirurgica
- Ritrattamento endodontico
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Michael Sultan is a leading endodontist based in Harley St and Richmond, London. He has been clinical director of EndoCare clinic since 2008, which prides itself as a ce... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 40 anni
Esperienza professionale
Clinical director, EndoCare UK (2008 - present)Specialist endodontist, EndoCare 99 Harley St (20... Mostrare di più
Valutazioni dei pazienti
Assicurazioni mediche accettate
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Dr Michael Sultan
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Dr Michael Sultan
99 Harley St, Marylebone
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4-6 George St, Richmond
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Dr Michael Sultan
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Michael Sultan is a leading endodontist based in Harley St and Richmond, London. He has been clinical director of EndoCare clinic since 2008, which prides itself as a centre of excellence for diagnosing and treating dental pain and providing root canal surgery. Dr Sultan qualified in 1986 in dentistry at the University of Bristol, after which he completed five years of general dental practice. Following this, Dr Sultan started his specialist studies at Guy's Hospital, London. Here he gained his Masters in endodontics in 1993.
Dr Sultan has been on the specialist register in endodontics since 1999 and has provided excellent care to his patients, treating dental pain and carrying out complex root canal surgery. As well as his clinical commitments, Dr Sultan is very committed to academia and lectures frequently to postgraduate dental groups and presents regularly to the Eastman Dental Institute's CPD department at the University of London.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 61091
- Inglese
Dr Michael Sultan
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Miss Katherine George is an highly-regarded consultant oral and maxillofacial surgeon base... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Ricostruzione facciale
- Lifting facciale
- Ghiandole salivari Chirurgia
- Sialendoscopia
- Denti del giudizio
- Chirurgia Ortognatica
- Ricostruzione facciale
- Lifting facciale
- Ghiandole salivari Chirurgia
- Sialendoscopia
- Denti del giudizio
- Chirurgia Ortognatica
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Miss Katherine George is an highly-regarded consultant oral and maxillofacial surgeon based in London. Having qualified with distinction in her medical degree, Miss George has won multiple academic and clinical awards and pri... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 20 anni
Esperienza professionale
Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, The Shard, London (present)Consultant Oral and Maxill... Mostrare di più
Valutazioni dei pazienti
Assicurazioni mediche accettate
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Miss Katherine George
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Miss Katherine George
Room 650, 6th Floor, 32 St Thomas Street
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44 Wimpole Street
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1 Welbeck Street
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Miss Katherine George
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Miss Katherine George is an highly-regarded consultant oral and maxillofacial surgeon based in London. Having qualified with distinction in her medical degree, Miss George has won multiple academic and clinical awards and prizes throughout her career. Following her higher surgical training she completed a fellowship in Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery with a focus on facelift and facial rejuvenation.
Miss George also has advanced training in salivary gland disease management, and was the first person in the world to use intracorporeal lithotripsy to break salivary gland stones to avoid invasive surgery. This is an advanced technique that is still not widely available. Miss George is one of the few surgeons in the UK that is able to offer minimally invasive salivary gland surgery, and is part of a specialist salivary gland team. She is the surgical lead for salivary gland surgery for the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons.
Alongside her clinical practice, Miss George is also an advanced trauma life support instructor, and has written numerous peer-reviewed articles for medical journals.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 6104628
- Inglese
Miss Katherine George
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Dr Prash Vas is a highly experienced consultant diabetologist and diabetic foot physi... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Piede diabetico
- Diabete
- Neuropatia diabetica
- Nefropatia diabetica
- Ipotiroidismo
- Prediabetes
- Piede diabetico
- Diabete
- Neuropatia diabetica
- Nefropatia diabetica
- Ipotiroidismo
- Prediabetes
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Prash Vas is a highly experienced consultant diabetologist and diabetic foot physician who specialises in diabetic foot, diabetes, diabetic neuropathy, Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 20 anni
Esperienza professionale
Consultant Diabetologist and Diabetic Foot Physician, Guthrie International, King's College Hosp... Mostrare di più
Valutazioni dei pazienti
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Dr Prash Vas
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Dr Prash Vas
5 Devonshire Pl, London
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Dr Prash Vas
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Prash Vas is a highly experienced consultant diabetologist and diabetic foot physician who specialises in diabetic foot, diabetes, diabetic neuropathy, diabetic nephropathy, hypothyroidism, and pre-diabetes. He is also an honorary senior clinical lecturer at King’s College, London, as well as a visiting professor at Staffordshire University.
Dr Vas, who successfully completed a MBBS in 1999, possesses an extensive amount of experience in all aspects of diabetes care, with a special interest in the complex management of Type 2 and Type 1 diabetes. In terms of research, he has a strong interest in thyroid disorders, Charcot's foot, peripheral vascular disease, and diabetic kidney disease.
Dr Vas, who has thus far contributed to numerous amounts of peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed research papers, expertly trains and teaches professionals to provide a high-quality service for patients at King's College Hospital. Notably, Dr Vas has been a part of two Quality in Care - Diabetes award-winning teams, most recently in 2014.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 5208809
- Inglese
Dr Prash Vas
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Dr Alexander Hobson is a highly esteemed, leading consultant interventional cardiologist w... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Infarto/ angina pectoris
- Mancanza di respiro (dispnea)
- Insufficienza cardiaca
- angioplastica coronarica
- Aritmie
- Palpitazioni
- Infarto/ angina pectoris
- Mancanza di respiro (dispnea)
- Insufficienza cardiaca
- angioplastica coronarica
- Aritmie
- Palpitazioni
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Alexander Hobson is a highly esteemed, leading consultant interventional cardiologist with over 20 years of expertise and a subspeciality interest in interventional cardiology. His main areas of e... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 25 anni
Esperienza professionale
Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Spire Portsmouth Hospital, Havant (present)Consultant In... Mostrare di più
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Dr Alexander Hobson
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Dr Alexander Hobson
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Dr Alexander Hobson
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Alexander Hobson is a highly esteemed, leading consultant interventional cardiologist with over 20 years of expertise and a subspeciality interest in interventional cardiology. His main areas of expertise include heart failure, coronary angioplasty, angina, arrhythmia, palpitations, and shortness of breath.
Dr Hobson, who currently practises at both the Spire Portsmouth Hospital and the Queen Alexandra Hospital Private Patients Unit in Portsmouth, is highly skilled in numerous procedures, including angioplasty. Impressively, he is also the current cardiology clinical director of Queen Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust, Portsmouth as well as the chairman of the South Coast Intervention Group.
Dr Hobson also dedicates his career to research. He has authored and co-authored 20 peer-reviewed scientific publications and has research interests of coronary stents, antiplatelet therapies, treating high cholesterol and more. Furthermore, he has written book chapters in the Oxford Textbook of Interventional Cardiology and in "Management of Cardiovascular Conditions in Adults in Critical Care".
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 4419796
- Inglese
Dr Alexander Hobson
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Dr Sahil Patel is a highly skilled cosmetic dentist based in London who is an ex... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Estetica dentale
- impiallacciature
- Invisalign
- Odontoiatria restaurativa complessa
- Disegno del sorriso (CAD-CAM)
- Protesi fissa
- Estetica dentale
- impiallacciature
- Invisalign
- Odontoiatria restaurativa complessa
- Disegno del sorriso (CAD-CAM)
- Protesi fissa
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Sahil Patel is a highly skilled cosmetic dentist based in London who is an expert in bespoke and long-lasting cosmetic dentistry solutions for a range of dental concerns, including Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 10 anni
Esperienza professionale
Principal Dentist and Founder, Marylebone Smile Clinic (present)Committee member, British Academ... Mostrare di più
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Dr Sahil Patel
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Dr Sahil Patel
66 Harley Street
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Dr Sahil Patel
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Sahil Patel is a highly skilled cosmetic dentist based in London who is an expert in bespoke and long-lasting cosmetic dentistry solutions for a range of dental concerns, including ceramic veneers, composite bonding and the Invisalign treatment. In the UK, he is also one of the founders of the tooth contouring and the gummy smile makeover. Dr Patel currently sees patients at the renowned dental clinic, Marylebone Smile Clinic, where he operates as the principal dentist.
Dr Patel is accredited by the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD). He obtained his dental qualifications from the University of Bristol, obtaining merits in restorative dentistry and orthodontics. He then completed dental training in Cornwall before relocating to London, where he has accomplished higher aesthetic dentistry training in restorative cosmetic dentistry, including exclusive schooling with biomechanical engineering prosthodontists Lane Ochi and Albert Solnit. Dr Patel can create robust solutions for the most challenging dental situations, including implant tooth replacement, bite rehabilitation, colour matching and corrective treatment of tourism dentistry.
Since then, Dr Patel has established himself as a leading figure at the forefront of London’s cosmetic dentistry hub, attracting clients from all spheres and locations, including Members of Parliament, UK Special Forces, elite sports athletes, TV personalities and social media icons. His clinical dentistry has also been recognised by professional bodies, notably the British Society for Restorative Dentistry, with the W&H Clinical Case Award in 2016 and the Aesthetic Dentistry Awards for five consecutive years.
Further to his highly-cosmetic dentistry work, Dr Patel serves as a committee member of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and a Sports Officer in the Royal Naval Reserves. He is involved in postgraduate dental education via his online platform, Restorative Interface, and is also an active rising figure on social media, where he has built a diverse community and regularly produces and content-shares verified media.
British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD) Accreditation Number: 1882
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 258353
- Gujarati
- Inglese
Dr Sahil Patel
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Mr Richard Bryant is a highly experienced, qualified, and skilled consultant ort... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Dolore al gomito
- Chirurgia della spalla
- Chirurgia della cuffia dei rotatori
- Sostituzione della spalla
- Tendinite alla spalla
- Lussazione della spalla
- Dolore al gomito
- Chirurgia della spalla
- Chirurgia della cuffia dei rotatori
- Sostituzione della spalla
- Tendinite alla spalla
- Lussazione della spalla
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Mr Richard Bryant is a highly experienced, qualified, and skilled consultant orthopaedic surgeon who specialises in shoulder and elbow surgery. This includes trea... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 30 anni
Esperienza professionale
Consultant Shoulder and Elbow Orthopaedic Surgeon, Sheffield Orthopaedics (present) Mostrare di più
Valutazioni dei pazienti
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Mr Richard Bryant
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Mr Richard Bryant
401 Sandygate Rd, Sheffield
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312 Fulwood Road, Sheffield
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Claremont Hospital, 401 Sandygate Rd, Sheffield
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Mr Richard Bryant
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Mr Richard Bryant is a highly experienced, qualified, and skilled consultant orthopaedic surgeon who specialises in shoulder and elbow surgery. This includes treatment for shoulder and elbow pain, tendonitis, and injections.
Surgery carried out by Mr Bryant includes shoulder replacements for arthritis, keyhole surgery (arthroscopy) for subacromial pain/impingement, rotator cuff repairs for muscle damage, stabilisations for shoulder dislocations, as well as treatment for calcific tendonitis, frozen shoulder, and ACJ pain. He is currently practising through Sheffield Orthopaedics Limited at Spire Claremont Hospital, and Circle Thornbury Hospital, both of which are in Sheffield.
Mr Bryant, who obtained an MBBS in medicine from King's College London in 1997, completed an upper limb fellowship at the University Hospital of Coventry and Warwickshire in 2008. He is also an expert in relation to golfer's elbow, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, and shoulder instability.
After completing his first medical qualification, which was a BSc in biomedical science at King's College London in 1994, Mr Bryant then successfully undertook specialised orthopaedic training. He provides all of his patients with a comprehensive range of open and arthroscopic treatments for a wide variety of conditions. Mr Bryant is the current deputy director for surgery at Rotherham Hospital, chairman of Sheffield Orthopaedics Ltd, and has been faculty on regional and national courses, including shoulder arthroscopy workshops at the Royal College of Surgeons in London.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 4452199
- Inglese
Mr Richard Bryant
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Professor Aung Ye Oo is an esteemed cardiothoracic surgeon with more than 15 years of cons... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Chirurgia della radice aortica
- Chirurgia cardiaca valvolare
- Bypass aortocoronarico
- Sostituzione della valvola aortica (minimamente invasiva)
- Sindrome di Marfan
- Aortic valve replacement
- Chirurgia della radice aortica
- Chirurgia cardiaca valvolare
- Bypass aortocoronarico
- Sostituzione della valvola aortica (minimamente invasiva)
- Sindrome di Marfan
- Aortic valve replacement
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Professor Aung Ye Oo is an esteemed cardiothoracic surgeon with more than 15 years of consultant-grade experience. Practising at Barts Health NHS Trust, Professor Aung Ye Oo has a particular expertise in aortic, valvular and coron... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 35 anni
Esperienza professionale
Consultant Cardiac Surgeon and Clinical Lead for Aortovascular Surgery, Barts Health NHS Trust (2017... Mostrare di più
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Professor Aung Ye Oo
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Professor Aung Ye Oo
33 Grosvenor Place
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Professor Aung Ye Oo
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Professor Aung Ye Oo is an esteemed cardiothoracic surgeon with more than 15 years of consultant-grade experience. Practising at Barts Health NHS Trust, Professor Aung Ye Oo has a particular expertise in aortic, valvular and coronary surgery, and minimally-invasive surgical techniques. He is a national and international expert in the field of complex aortic surgery in treatment of aneurysm of arch, descending and Thorac-abdominal aorta.
Professor Aung Ye Oo originally obtained his medical degree in Myanmar, before moving to the UK to pursue specialist cardiothoracic training in London and Liverpool. He became a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1996 then earned a further fellowship in cardiothoracic surgery in 2002. For the following 14 years he was Consultant Cardiac Surgeon at Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, before becoming the Clinical Lead for Aortovascular Surgery at Barts Health in 2017. In addition to his day-to-day responsibilities, Professor Aung Ye Oo is committed to the dissemination of the latest surgical techniques and hosts the annual Aortovascular Symposium at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London. He is also a highly sought-after professor, with academic and teaching responsibilities at Barts Heart Centre, the University of Liverpool, and the University of Medicine in Yangon, Myanmar.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 4386878
- Birmano
- Inglese
Professor Aung Ye Oo
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Dr Elisaveta Sokolov is a distinguished Consultant Clinical Neurophysiologist, curren... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Narcolessia
- Epilessia
- Insonnia
- Elettroencefalografia
- Neuropatia periferica
- Narcolessia
- Epilessia
- Insonnia
- Elettroencefalografia
- Neuropatia periferica
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Elisaveta Sokolov is a distinguished Consultant Clinical Neurophysiologist, currently practising at Cleveland Clinic London Hospital and several other locations within the Cleveland Clinic network. She specialises in advan... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 5 anni
Esperienza professionale
Specialist Consultant Physician in Clinical Neurophysiology at Guy's & St Thomas Hospital, L... Mostrare di più
Valutazioni dei pazienti
Questo dottore non è ancora stato valutato
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Dr Elisaveta Sokolov
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Dr Elisaveta Sokolov
33 Grosvenor Place
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24 Portland Place
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Dr Elisaveta Sokolov
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Elisaveta Sokolov is a distinguished Consultant Clinical Neurophysiologist, currently practising at Cleveland Clinic London Hospital and several other locations within the Cleveland Clinic network. She specialises in advanced electroencephalography (EEG), including video telemetry, intensive care brain monitoring, and the diagnosis and management of epilepsy. Dr. Sokolov completed her medical degree at Imperial College London and has since developed a highly respected career in neurophysiology.
She pursued further training through a specialist registrar programme at King’s College Hospital in London, followed by an epilepsy research fellowship at Harvard’s Massachusetts General Hospital. Additionally, she completed a Clinical Fellowship in Complex Epilepsy at The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. Dr Sokolov holds a Master’s with distinction in Neuroscience from King’s College London and Columbia University.
Alongside her clinical practice, Dr. Sokolov is an active collaborator with the Harvard University Global Neurology Research Group and has a strong commitment to both academic and clinical neurophysiology. She is a member of several prestigious professional associations, including the Royal College of Physicians, the British Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, and the International League Against Epilepsy.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 7293905
- Inglese
Dr Elisaveta Sokolov
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Professor Owen Epstein is a renowned and pioneering professor of gastroenterology, based a... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Capsula endoscopica
- Screening oncologico
- Intestino irritabile
- Colonscopia virtuale
- Malattie digestive
- Digestione difficile (Dispepsia)
- Capsula endoscopica
- Screening oncologico
- Intestino irritabile
- Colonscopia virtuale
- Malattie digestive
- Digestione difficile (Dispepsia)
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Professor Owen Epstein is a renowned and pioneering professor of gastroenterology, based at the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead, London. He has a special interest in the innovation of healthcare and... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 50 anni
Esperienza professionale
Professor of Gastroenterology, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust (1980 - present)Consultant... Mostrare di più
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Professor Owen Epstein
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Professor Owen Epstein
Pond St, Hampstead
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Professor Owen Epstein
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Professor Owen Epstein is a renowned and pioneering professor of gastroenterology, based at the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead, London. He has a special interest in the innovation of healthcare and the technologies used to ease the patient journey. These include whole bowel wireless capsule (pill) endoscopy and hydrogen or 13C breath testing variously for lactose intolerance, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, Helicobacter pylori, stomach pump function and colon cancer screening using minimally invasive colon capsule endoscopy. He also has considerable experience in the physiological assessment of the vagus nerve and stress and, in particular, its relationship to abnormal gut feelings. Professor Epstein has had a hugely successful career and is regarded as one of the leaders in minimally-invasive techniques and a gentler patient journey.
Professor Epstein is widely published with more than 100 reviewed publications to his name. He is the senior author of the best-selling textbook Clinical Examination and the originator of the 'The Map of Medicine', which is a key online resource used by healthcare professionals. He founded the Royal Free Screen Based Simulation Centre, where medical and surgical gastroenterologists use virtual reality to acquire mastery of endoscopy and laparoscopic surgery prior to engaging in live procedures. More recently, Professor Epstein has introduced new and minimally-invasive assessment tools and founded a new 'Institute for Minimally Invasive Gastroenterology (IMIGe)' at the Royal Free. He is director of the IMIGe Academy for Capsule Endoscopy which teaches aspiring capsule practitioners. Professor Epstein is award-winning and, over the years, has received research grants amounting to more than £1 million. He has contributed hugely to new medical technologies that change the patient's journey, and continues to do so.
Professor Epstein works out of the Royal Free PPU where he currently runs one of the UK’s leading PP colon capsule units. Professor Epstein is currently the lead clinician on the advisory panel of the new NHS England Colon capsule endoscopy colon cancer screening pilot (50000 patients)
He has also developed the capsule endoscopy curriculum(small and large intestine) for teaching novice NHS England gastroenterologists how to read and report capsule endoscopy. He has mentored over 400 UK gastroenterologist as well as aspiring capsule readers in Europe, Hong Kong, West Africa and the Amercias.s.Professor Epstein is a regular invited speaker to major international conferences on capsule endoscopy.
Over the past few years, Professor Epstein and his team have developed a unique investigation unit to monitor vagus nerve function in patients with IBS, functional dyspepsia and other "functional disorders". This is based on a wearable device that continuously measures heart rate variability over 3 days to establish whether or not the there is a "software" disorder underlying unexplained or gastroenterology drug unresponsive disorders. He has considerable experience of offering non invasive vagus nerve stimulation to appropriate patients with abnormal vagus nerve function (using gammaCore).
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 2231024
- Inglese
Professor Owen Epstein
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Dr Thivi Maruthappu is an experienced consultant dermatologist with expertise in all aspec... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Psoriasi
- Acnea rosacea
- Dermatiti
- Acne
- Cicatrici da acne
- Eczema
- Psoriasi
- Acnea rosacea
- Dermatiti
- Acne
- Cicatrici da acne
- Eczema
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Thivi Maruthappu is an experienced consultant dermatologist with expertise in all aspects of adult dermatology, including acne, mole checks, skin cancer, and hair disorders. She studied Medicine at Oxford Universi... Mostrare di più
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Più di 25 anni
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Consultant Dermatologist in Cleveland Clinic Portland Place Outpatient Centre (present)Senior Ad... Mostrare di più
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Dr Thiviyani Maruthappu
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Dr Thiviyani Maruthappu
24 Portland Place
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Dr Thiviyani Maruthappu
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Thivi Maruthappu is an experienced consultant dermatologist with expertise in all aspects of adult dermatology, including acne, mole checks, skin cancer, and hair disorders. She studied Medicine at Oxford University and Imperial College, London, before completing her Dermatology training at renowned London teaching hospitals. In 2018, Dr Maruthappu was appointed NHS Consultant Dermatologist at the Royal London Hospital, where she led the severe eczema and psoriasis service.
In addition to her dermatology qualifications, Dr Maruthappu holds a Certificate in Nutrition Science from Stanford Medical School and is recognised as a leader in the field of nutrition and skin health. Her research, which focuses on the connection between nutrition and psoriasis, is based at the Department of Nutritional Sciences at King's College London. Dr Maruthappu has received over 15 national and international awards, including the Whimster Prize from the British Association of Dermatologists. She is also a senior advisory consultant for L'Oreal and a spokesperson for the British Skin Foundation, frequently appearing in media outlets like BBC Radio, the Sunday Times, Vogue, and the Daily Mail.
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Nº albo dei medici: 6130066
- Inglese